Overall, my body's adapting to the increased volume of heavy workouts. I'm training 6 days a week now, usually doing two workouts a day. On the morning would be a strength & conditioning workout. Evenings would be interval runs or time trials. Loving the work. Oh, before I forget, hit my goal of a 1.5 times bodyweight bench press - 105kg!
However, the issue at the moment would be that I'm not running at 100% functionality. I have some discomfort on my left hamstrings and IT band, it's somewhat tight and uncomfortable in some positions. Also, as I mentioned in my previous post, I've been experiencing pain on the back of my right knee when flexing beyond 90 degrees.
I'm planning to see my regular Chinese massage therapist to see if he can work his magic. So far, he has been fantastic with various pains/injuries that I have had, only thing is, visits to this guy are particularly painful. So, hopefully I can walk on Monday.. until then, training goes on!